What's service like at New Beginnings?

When you arrive, you will be welcomed at the door by a smiling greeter that will hand you a bulletin with the call to worship, order of service, and the Bible reading of the day. If you have children, the greeter will provide additional information regarding the children’s ministry and
when the children will leave to attend the children’s church.
Worship and Prayer
As stated in Psalm 100:4, “Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.” We will sing three or four songs of praise to give thanks to God for his continuous blessings upon our lives. Following the songs of praise, the pastor will ask the congregation if anyone has any prayer requests.

Responsive Reading and Offering
Following prayer, we stand for a responsive reading of a passage from the Bible, which will be printed in your bulletin. The responsive reading will be followed by a greeter who will present an offering basket to the congregation. The children will leave at this point for children’s church,
which is held in the lower level of the building.
Visitor Welcome
If you wish to stand to greet the congregation at this time, feel free. If you don’t, no pressure.

Morning Message
The pastor will present the word of the day. We pray that it blesses your soul.
We will close the service in prayer. If you have children in the children’s church, please go downstairs and speak with a member of the Children’s Ministry before departing with your child(ren).